Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, has agreed to swap places with Star Trek star William Shatner for the duration of the upcoming fortieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landings, it was announced today. Aldrin has traditionally been the public face of the first moon landing, which took place on July 20th 1969, while the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong has largely shunned the media.

Speaking of the decision, Aldrin said "I really feel that I have said everything I can possibly say about what it felt like to be on the moon, if I was jealous of Neil being first, or whether I was ever worried that we may not return...this way, Bill Shatner will get to answer those questions, while I will sub for him, answering questions about whether I thought that Star Trek would ever be so popular, how I felt when it was cancelled and why I won't admit to wearing a toupee (Aldrin never did). I think that we are both relieved to be talking about something new."

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