Celebrities living in the Los Angeles area are in a high state of tension as the current "Celebrity Flu" pandemic sweeps through their midst. The flu has claimed the lives of three celebrities in the last week - Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Billy Mays - with stars now growing increasingly edgy about who will be next. A spate of false alarms about potentially dead celebrities is causing great anxiety and even panic - Rick Astley, George Clooney and Peter Falk have all been subject to speculation, since disproven that they had died.

Meanwhile, police are urging celebrities to stay indoors and wash their hands after contact with each other and are also asking them to avoid contact with the general public. Unconfirmed reports suggest that pop-star Madonna has been placed in quarantine.

UPDATE: Actor Karl Malden has succumbed to "Celebrity Flu". He died Wednesday aged 97. The sense of panic is growing!
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