A leaked still from the hotly-anticipated film sequel Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, due for release in 2009, has caused outrage both among fans of the Termiantor series and animal rights groups. For months, the blogosphere has been alive with rumours that the new sequel will take the series in a “bold” new direction in light of the absences of series stalwarts Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and director James Cameron (the latter two also both absent from 2003’s Terminator 3). The leaked still from the production has confirmed just how “bold” the producers have been this time round.
Sources inside the production have confirmed that the star of Terminator Salvation: The Future will indeed be a cybernetic primate, sent from the Cretaceous era 80 million years ago in order to steal secrets about the future and thus prevent John Connor’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great etc. grandparents from ever being born. As to how a monkey from this ancient era could also be a cybernetic organism, remains unclear.
The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has issued a stark warning that high fuel prices in the
The problem is now so serious that the WWF is considering pressing for the clinically obese to be placed on the list of endangered species. At present, a number of reservations such as McDonalds and KFC are helping to sustain numbers, but fears are continuing that ever-rising fuel prices may lead to a continued decimation in the number of obese people able to seek help at these restaurant chains, resulting in tragic levels of exercise and weight loss.
The situation finally came to a head when Mandela sided with fellow housemate Anneka Rice last week, to disconnect Hawking's batteries, thus leaving him temporarily speechless. Since then, the two men have barely spoken a word to each other. The finals will be broadcast on UK Channel 4 at 8pm on (1800 GMT) Saturday.
Sources close to Senator Barack Obama have admitted that the Democratic presidential candidate has expressed an interest in a new face cream designed to help African-Americans “flag-up” their appearance. The cream is specially formulated to alter dark skin so that it appears not only whiter, but also prominently displays the stars and stripes. According publicity materials issued by Renew, the company marketing the new skin-flagging cream - “In times of bigotry, suspicion and narrow-mindedness, the flag cream can help you to appear more patriotic to your fellow Americans. Thus, awkward situations can be more easily avoided, and suspicion turned into trust and acceptance.”
In recent weeks and months, media pundits as well as the Hillary Clinton campaign have been highlighting the fact that a section of white American voters may find the idea of an African-American president hard to accept – especially one called Barack Hussein Obama. Many Obama insiders believe the cream may help to convince more rabidly distrustful sectors of American society who often falsely believe that Obama is not only a Muslim, but a “sleeper cell” hell-bent on destroying
He also added “Sure, they could cave in to public pressure and help their own people instead of forcing through referendums on their own power, but that would show weakness.” The comments have caused outrage amongst aid workers and human rights groups.
Senator Obama, whose mother is white and father is black, could thus make inroads into otherwise hostile electoral territory. However, a vote solely for Obama’s white half will only count as a half-vote in the November presidential election – something that could undermine Obama’s chances in key states. Despite the potential pitfalls of the proposal, a number of states, including
The Austrian PR firm involved has admitted that it faces a daunting task - “Clearly the Fritzl brand is tarnished right now, but what we intend to do is focus on the positives,” stated a PR consultant for the company who asked to remain anonymous. “We are thinking of portraying him as a kind of loveable, whacky rogue – who perhaps took things a little too far,” he added. Meanwhile, Fritz’s lawyer is pushing for a plea of insanity on the part of Fritzl, something the PR firm believes could work to their client’s advantage.
The Vienna-based marketing company (which cannot be named for legal reasons) is currently preparing an advertising blitz, which includes stickers featuring the house where the gruesome crimes took place – the stickers read “You don’t have to be mad to live here, but it helps.”
However, the PR firm has come under mounting criticism for taking on this controversial client. “This is just disgusting,” said a policeman involved in the case “The fact that this man is complaining about his ‘monster’ image really says it all.”
“Think about it! That’s all I’m asking your readers to do! There are so many possibilities,” insists Less. “For example, we could do a TV show called “
For better or worse, Less hasn’t meet with any interest for his ideas. In fact, Paramount Studios recently put a restraining order on him, banning Less from coming within
The news comes despite the fact that Sen. John McCain has already won enough delegates to secure his party’s nomination. Responding to the news, Mrs. Clinton said “Delegates don’t have to vote for him if they feel a case has been made that I am the stronger Republican leader. It doesn’t matter that I’m a Democrat – what matters is that I can win.” In a triumphant tone, she also added. “The tide is turning and I won’t give up just like
The new round of endorsements means that Sen. Clinton could secure both the Democratic and Republican nominations and thus face off against herself in the national elections in November – something which the media has described as a “dream ticket”.
Her chances against Democratic candidate Barack Obama remain slim, yet the surprising number of defections from the Republican camp has given fresh hope to Hillary Clinton of being able to secure a party’s nomination. She has also not ruled out running as an independent or seeking the nominations of the libertarian and socialist parties, noting “The more the merrier!”