Kid to herself: "I hope I did what everyone expected me to do. In truth, I really don't know what I feel."
It is funny how people are so quick to buy into a collective grief fest, even when it is blatantly evident that a child that is in a state of shock is being used as a prop. Kids don't grieve for public display like that, as much as we would like them to provide a nicely-wrapped sweet moment for us adults. People are far too gullible...the poor kid was evidently put up to it or thought that this was the way she was expected to behave. Looking at all the YouTube comments of this clip, you have to wonder how people could overlook the child's feelings in favor of a convienient falsehood, like bear dancing: "Aren't those bears so cute?" - forget the leashes drilled through their noses.
We at Newsifact feel sorry for Paris Jackson and lament what we feel is the shameless exploitation of a girl that has probably led a very abnormal life. Apologies for straying from our usual satirical tone and we understand that you may disagree with us on this one, but the point is surely that the Jackson family should never have made her do that, and the media shoudn't buy into the whole thing...
Here's a clip from the film "Stand By Me" that we feel is a little closer to the reality of how kids grieve:
OMG...I'm so glad to know that I wasn't the only one that thought she looked totally fake. Not a tear fell from that child's face...not one. I knew it. Thanks for the confirmation.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way, which is why I did a search to see if anyone else thought so (and found your site). No doubt she is sad, is in shock and will miss her father, but that just seemed manufactured to me. Not hating MJ, by the way. I think he was a musical genius and am a big fan.
ReplyDeleteThat sh*t was so fake...I was kind of embarassed for her until I realized everyone bought it. When Steve Irwin died, you didn't see Bindi weeping infront of the crowd at Australia Zoo. Why? Because most kids can't grasp the concept of death the same way adults can...At least not initially. They won't understand the gravity of what has happened until they mature a little bit.
ReplyDeleteAre you guys for real?? I was ten years old when I lost my grandfather who raised me and I bawled my eyes out at his funeral like nobody's business!! How dare you say a kid can't grasp the concept of death!
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? At a time as tragic as such, to say something as asinine as this? Give me a break.
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't know, because its obvious that you don't, picturesque tears don't have to be streaming down one's face for one to be hurting inside. Gullible? You say. No. Its called having a heart. The cynicism in our world today HAS to come to an end.
You assume that YOU alone are right, and are calling the greater majority wrong...gullible. Then you go on to label your rant with "Poor Paris", as a way of sugar-coating your ridiculous message so it wouldn't seem like you are directly bashing these young children, who are at an immeasurable loss, when it is clear that you are making light of the situation.
But as always, you are entitled to your own opinions but I completely, still respectfully, disagree with them.
No tears, when I hear crying? Wish I could do that.
ReplyDeleteThen Janet whips her around to mask her face.
Show Family even in death.
Its all about the money, as it always has been.
Real emotion manifests itself in body language i.e. you can see it in the forehead and the tears, flushed face. But I didn't see any signs of those. Did you?
ReplyDeleteVoice can be controlled but body language is a bit more tricky. They forgot to train her in that aspect before her performance.
Thank you! I googled "Paris Jackson" "faking."
ReplyDeleteSomeone forgot to tell her to fake with tears. The whole family is so gross. Poor kids.
In a way I agree, however, I lost my grandmother who raised me at the age of 11 and cried on and off uncontrollably for three months. I had severe separation anxiety. As for Paris, maybe we are so use to people faking innocent behavior that it is difficult to accept genuine emotions. Then again, I am hoping that was not faked. It did look VERY fake though. I would not be surprised, but I will give the wee one the benefit of the doubt because I do not know her.
ReplyDeleteIf ur the same Anonymous who made all those other comments...then I must say that's the nicest comment you've made so far. Take care
ReplyDeletewell, id be a d*ck to judge whether she cares or not about her own dad, but serious:
ReplyDeletemaybe she felt really sad and cried a while ago. But what she did at the memorial seemed sooooo fake. If we calm down about his death and the sadness, we can clearly see the bad acting of the young girl. If her dad wasn't MJ, would everyone react the same to her speech? Hell no. There would be far more "wtf?" in the crowd.
Stop following the mood of the crowd and get a bloody backbone.
I've actually been a fan of Michael since I was a kid, so what I feel stems from the many years I've followed his life and music. So I genuinely feel for his kids and I will choose to believe that what she said and the emotion she "supposedly" showed was real.
ReplyDeletewhat a family of freaks - the kid did not need to be there
ReplyDeleteTotally staged moments.
ReplyDeleteThese few seconds summarized the fakeness of the family.
So many things unsaid - superficial irony!
Tipical american bullshit-can't be proud of that.
I still think it very sad that these kids' dad died so young. They obviously loved him very much and I believe the daughter was genuinely grieved.
ReplyDeleteI am much relieved to find that there are others who are seeing through what I thought to be a forced situation for this poor child. If you remember, she was fingering her purse strap, playing with it actually, when a family member noticed she was not behaving appropriately. The adult turned and spoke to her, drawing her in. Watch this previous segment again if you have access to it.
ReplyDeleteWHo knows.
ReplyDeleteBut face it -- we've all seen zillions of 10-year-olds who turn on the waterworks in order to get something they want, and that was the tone of voice I heard ringing through.
This isn't to say she wasn't sincere. But it sure didn't feel like a spontaneous "John-John salutes the coffin" moment.
The statement itself felt scripted -- "Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine. And I just wanted to say I love him so much."
Garbled.. sure ... but scripted. I half-expected a "daddy, I miss you and although indicted, you were never convicted, and I love you" coda.
I also googled "paris jackson faking" because I thought the same thing. She was crying but no tears?! Gimme a break. She was raised by a nanny. She probably rarely even saw "daddy". Daddy who isn't even her biological father. There's no black genes in any of those kids.
ReplyDeleteI too googled who else thinks this was fake. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to those children. Pitful-money hungry adults will never love them for themselves-only what they can get for them.
I saw very few geniune tears from anyone at the tribute. Makes me wonder-is he really dead? Or even worse-are they are glad that he is so they can control $$$$.
ReplyDeleteThis was 100% fake. No doubt. Those who say otherwise just can't think - really, they can't.
We don't need to be able to put into words that she was faking it - we all instinctively knew it the moment it happened. That's why the Internet is abuzz with this thread.
Good post!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete...These kids just lost their father and that's not faked....
My DAD died when I was 15, but was sick since I was 11. I watched him wither away. I am not saying that Paris wasn't hurting, but that whole scene was a TOTAL put-on. And it REALLY makes me made that they're plastering it everywhere. Yes, I feel terrible for her... I know where she's at. But that was entirely fake. How dare they use her as a prop like that. Let her grieve in her own way, and chances are, it won't fit the mold.
ReplyDeleteIt's sickening how people still say nasty things about someone whose died and their family members. All these negative comments are based on what? Your dislike for the family? Jealousy? Their race? What a terrible terrible world we live in.
ReplyDeleteGuys, they're still human and they have feelings...how do you think it'd make that little girl feel if she was ever unfortunate enough to read these things written about her and her family? Just put yourselves in that situation too and think how you'd feel if someone said something bad about your family.
ReplyDeleteLike so many of you, I too am glad to know I'm not the only one who thought this was fake. I WANTED to believe she was being genuine, but it just isn't there. For those of you who argue that they were "real tears" - rewatch the clip. What tears? There weren't any. She may have loved her father dearly, he may very well have been the best father on earth, but that was definitely a performance.
ReplyDeleteI think that in ten or twenty years, Paris will give an interview and confess just how completely numb and lost she felt on that day. I don't think anyone is blaming the child for this (how could you?), but rather the "family" that piled on such pressure that Paris felt she had to perform this "best daddy in the world" routine for the crowds. That is what is sad and also quite sickening.
ReplyDeleteYep, same here. I thought the crying was fake and I googled to see if anyone had the balls to say it. There was a whole lot of the "Emperor's New Clothes" going on in the whole circus. And the non stop news coverage was ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteWho are you to say that all people grieve the same way? Some cry and cry, and some busy themselves with other things.
ReplyDeleteShe is not a child. She is 13, and can understand death like anyone else.
How would you be able to tell if she were really crying or not? For most of the video, her face is hidden behind her hands and the microphone.
Lastly, Janet didn't swing her around to hide her face. Paris turned toward Janet on her OWN accord. The girl is sad over her only parent's death.
Thanks for posting this blog. I'm not saying if she was faking or not, just that the whole thing is questionable. As with many comments above, she didn't display any of the "trademark" signs of grief. But, it has been a week and a half since he died (which is itself questionable). So, she may have had her heavy sadness and tears a week ago, and now is at some terms with the situation. But I would steer toward a forced, if not fake, display of sorrow. She was rushed off stage by Miss Jackson (if you're nasty) and wasn't apparently sobbing as she walked away. But who knows the truth with all of this anyway. It's been one great diversion to the fact that the US is in two provoked wars, one of which is destroying the women of the country (Afghanistan). So sad. But let's keep out eyes open. It works.
ReplyDeletehm does anyone think he could be faking his death. you guys should do a blog about that. i mean look at what all he went through people saying he was a child molester. and pressure. i would fake my death too. go to derekclontz.com read what he says.
ReplyDeleteI worked with children for more than ten years now, and I am a proud father of two angels myself. I don't like to say this as an admirer of a great entertainer (may you rest in peace MJ), but the outburst into tears of his daughter was unfortunately not genuine for certain.
ReplyDeleteAlmost all of my colleagues at the faculty of social and psychological sciences thought so too. It was apparent as we took notice of the daughter's behaviour and facial signs from the beginning on stage while the brothers are speaking, towards the speech itself.
I understand and respect all comments that denies this fact though; we are all humans and bound to emotions. A lost parent is the worse thing which could happen for a child and critisizing this hypothesis of faking her outburst is thus understandable for the common.
This aside, I wish the family and beloved ones of MJ all strength and love in these hard times.
i too googled paris jackson fake to see if others seen what my husband saw (who sees nothing BTW) he said "that child isn't crying" well how is one supposed to react? we're all different. i got mad at him for criticizing a child in mourning but here i am googling this while he's sleeping! i hope MJ is alive, well and left alone in peace with his kids!
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, how do you know there were no tears in the family? they had s-glasses on. also they had more than one casket because of crazy people who may have highjacked his body. there are nuts in this country, look at us!
ReplyDeleteI thought she faked it too! if u watch her closely right before she spoke, she was standing there next to the mic fixing her purse and actually looked BORED....2 seconds later shes crying? it just seemed kinda weird.I love MJ and Im saddened by his death, but that doesnt mean I have to be gullible.
ReplyDeleteanonymous, nobody said you were gullible (i hope i'm not) but what do you think? if he is still alive how can 3 kids not talk? i thought mabe they switched kids and thet wasn't really paris. i tried googling it but it seems i'm the only one thinking that could be another possibility
ReplyDeletePriss should change his name to Prick
ReplyDeleteWhy are you picking on my name?
ReplyDeleteSeriously...what's with the personal attack? Hiding behind the name "Anonymous"....yeah, Anonymous Prick! Coward.
ReplyDeleteThis newsblog is dumb and those of you who think the Jackson family are creepy or think the kid was faking the grief are a bunch of low lives...take a look at yourselves...if someone offered you the chance to live the life of the Jackson's EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU guys would jump at the chance...LOSERS!
ReplyDeleteWhat? Be addicted to pain killers?Be ghostly white? Be hounded by the media 24/7? Be made to do 50 concerts that I don't want to do?
ReplyDeleteGreat life! Gimme some more!
Who would want to be that mentally disturbed? Jackson was a very distrubed narcissist. Just look at his possessions:
There are so many things I want to say. But i'll keep all that in to say, are you kidding me? If they wanted a "grieve" fest, I'm pretty sure all three children would of gotten up there and cried. What? Her fathers gone so now you have to bash her? And I hope you know, it isnt like she's a little girl, she's old enough to get up and say what she feels. And anyways, she, and all of his kids, loved him too much to make the world feel worse in a situation like this. She missed her father, she wanted people to know, his kids didn't think he was who the world predicted he was. How dare you.
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to google this (Paris Jackson fake) ever since I watched her speack. I thought I was the only one who thought it but, in all due respect, I thought her outburst was very staged. It never occured to me at the time, though, that it could be a cover-up for a "staged" death. hmmmmm..........
ReplyDeleteI normally read these things and refrain from posting a comment. However, I am now compelled to pen "enough is ENOUGH!" I am referring to our arrogance whenever we stand (or sit) in judgment from the outside and point our fingers at others as they grieve. How dare we assume that for one instant we can vaguely imagine what others are going through when they suffer the loss of a precious family member? How can we be so blind as to think that we could judge by vague external actions that these come about because those who perform them are not grieving?
ReplyDeleteAs one who lost her best friend and fiance suddenly and unexpectedly; I can directly attest to the indescribable, life-altering, insufferably excruciating torment that a person goes through...and at nearly 53 years of age, I am convinced that nothing that I will ever suffer will equal that experience. I can also attest to the FACT that family members grieve very differently...strangely...and in ways not easily understood--yet, their pain is also a indescribable, life-altering, insufferably excruciating torment. In fact, the more some are in pain, the more they seem detached...aloof...and even "cold", as they desperately try to coop with an ache so intense that they feel that they too will die.
Do not be so foolish as to judge the pain of others by the superficial "sound bytes" of what you read, hear and see in the media. At best, you are given tiny pieces of a complex jigsaw puzzle that you can never truly piece together to form an accurate whole. Simply observe...reflect...and go about smoothing the wrinkles in your own life--and above all else--live your own life well. Male a positive difference in this life. Die at peace with your soul and your maker.
That's the most matured comment I've read. Thank you for putting things into perspective....so sick of all the judging.
ReplyDeletefirst of all i want to say that all you guys need to shut the fuck up!!!!!!! paris didnt make none of that up!!!!shes a little girl who lost her dad. any one that age would cry if they lost their father!!!!when my cousins dad died she cried and none of us told her to talk infront of everyone!so wat makes u think they made paris do that?!?!?!huh?!?!?! why dodnt u guys just leave them alone for once!!!understand them!! u wudnt like it if someone called u fake!!!!!!!!! so get alife and stay out of theirs!!!!!!!!and yesmichael jackson is ALWAYS going to be the ONE AND ONLY KING OF POP!!!!!get that through your head!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's 2020 and I'm sitting here during this pandemic pondering this too I'm so glad I don't feel alone about Paris Jackson's display. I too feel so was exploited