In his farewell address to the nation given on Thursday night, President Bush strongly touted an apparent connection between the geese which are said to have caused the NY plane crash on Thursday and several Iraqi pigeons. "We have evidence that the geese involved met with an Iraqi pigeon in Prague several months ago," said Bush "We also know about several Iraqi pigeons seeking 'yellow-kak' (a form of bird droppings) from Niger." Investigators believe that the American Airways plane involved in the crash hit a flock of geese shortly after takeoff and was forced to ditch in the Hudson Bay River shortly afterwards. Miraculously, all the passengers and crew survived.

Mr Bush also used the occasion of his farewell address to push his successor to "declare war not just on geese, but on those who harbour them," adding that "these geese will be hearing from all of us very soon!" Outgoing Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is set to address the UN Security Council on Friday in what is being described as a major presentation. Ms Rice will apparently present intelligence connecting the so-called "1/15" geese to a group of Iraqi pigeons who are apparently living in mobile nests and possess weapons of mass destruction.
Aha!!! Weapons of mass destruction? Pigeon poo!!!