Monday, December 13, 2010

Britain's shame: comedian Ronnie Corbett implicated in royal attack.

London police have confirmed the existence of CCTV footage proving that comedian Ronnie Corbett (80) was one of the chief ringleaders in student riots last week. The protests took place last Thursday as parliament approved a controversial hike in student fees. During the demonstrations, a small minority rioted, including attacking a car carrying heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles and his wife Camila.

Police have been studying video recordings of this incident in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. Witnesses described a man resembling Corbett at the scene, adding that it was he who smashed the window of the car carrying Charles and Camilla. The reports were initially dismissed as far-fetched, but have now been confirmed by police, who say they intend to bring the eighty-year-old comedian in for questioning. Mr Corbett has yet to publicly comment on the matter.

Ronnie Corbett came to widespread prominence in 1966 after starring in a famous sketch along with comedians John Cleese and Ronnie Barker, which parodied the British class system.

He later starred alongside Ronnie Barker in the variety show The Two Ronnies, which ran from 1971 to 1987. In recent years, Corbett has bee less active in the public arena - or so it was thought.

"What has Britain come to when one of our most renowned comedic figures partakes in this kind of disgraceful conduct?" asked The Sun newspaper yesterday. Similar sentiments have echoed across the country. Radio DJ James Whale had the harshest words for Corbett, "If it's true that he was involved, he needs to be treated like the scum that he is. I have no sympathy for him at all: beat him in the same way that he beat the royals and then kick him so hard that he realises the kind of low-life scum that he is. That's the way to deal with sub-human trash like that; it's the only way that Britain's black sheep will learn."

James Whale - not happy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mark Chapman and Karl Rove - eerie resemblance.

John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman and Republican operative Karl Rove - eerily similar-looking (note the cold eyes). Both killing liberal dreams the hard way...

Monday, December 6, 2010

David Beckham invited to Hungary to solve government farming subsidies row.

English footballer David Beckham flew out to Budapest yesterday to mediate a dispute between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and a renegade bloc in his governing Fidesz party. The dispute centers around perceived regional differences in farming subsidies allocated by the Hungarian government. "It's become a real game of political football," said Orbán of the invite, "So I thought that maybe Mr Beckham would be the right man to help us."

Speaking at Heathrow Airport, London prior to his departure, Mr Beckham stated that he would "Do everything in my power to try and bring the two sides together," adding that "It was a real honour to be asked to help."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Exclusive image from new Austin Powers movie.

Austin Powers is back with filming underway for a third sequel in the Bond-spoofing comedy series starring Mike Myers. The as yet untitled project marks Austin Powers' return to the silver screen after an eight year absence following the movie Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002).

Judging from the exclusive images published here, the series will continue its nods to the cartoonish villains of the 1960s. Mike Myers is again reprising both the role of the chief protagonist, the main villain as well as a mysterious new bad guy who appears to be a parody of the character "Oddjob" from 1964's Goldfinger.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kevin Spacey to portray footballer John Terry in BBC movie.

It has been confirmed that actor Kevin Spacey will portray England footballer John Terry in a BBC TV movie to be produced later this year. The movie will centre around Terry's World Cup campaign, specifically the recent machinations surrounding his short-lived revolt against manager Fabio Capello.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Predator drone.

"Have I mentioned that I was in two Predator movies? Kind of reminds me of a story my grandfather told me about the Second World War. It was 1939 and this man was driving a car, which had just been repaired. By the way, it was raining that day and..."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Sun newspaper faces criticism over "Is Clegg Gay?" headline.

The story appeared in the first edition of The Sun and has since been withdrawn. Nonetheless, the Press Complaints Commission has confirmed that it is undertaking an investigation.

Ashley Cole faces flight ban after Iceland incident.

A huge cloud hangs over the future career of England Premier league player Ashley Cole following an incident in an Iceland frozen food store yesterday. According to witnesses, Ashley Cole erupted during a visit to an Iceland store in London's Heathrow airport while waiting to board a flight. The incident allegedly occurred after the footballer was told that the store did not sell lava lamps. He then "exploded" and started spewing obscenities at staff with authorities immediately taking the precautionary measure of banning Cole from flying in European airspace. Authorities suggest that the Chelsea star will be barred from flying for several days until "he cools down a little" said one official at Heathrow.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sky News denies bias in wake of cow mooing "vote Cameron" story.

Rupert Murdoch-owned UK broadcaster Sky News denied accusations of bias yesterday after broadcasting a segment featuring a cow whose moo, the report suggested, sounded like "vote Cameron". Despite UK law requiring broadcasters to maintain a neutral perspective, critics argue that Sky News has used every opportunity to paint Conservative Party candidate David Cameron in a positive light, over-emphasizing positive stories, while downplaying recent poll gains made by Liberal Democrat rival Nick Clegg.

Sky News political editor Adam Boulton denies the network is trying to become a British version of Fox News.

Sky News has vigorously defended this latest accusation, with political editor Adam Boulton arguing that "The cow story was meant to be, we really felt that it's mooing sounded like 'vote Cameron'." Mr Boulton also defended the channel's decision to analyse the potential negative implications for Nick Clegg in light of the cow's moo, arguing that "We thought it a legitimate question to ask: if even cows are mooing for Cameron, then Clegg might be in real trouble. That's an entirely objective question to ask."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PICTURES: Thailand begins brutal crackdown of redshirts.

Thai government will not tolerate Star Trek fans portraying insignificant disposable characters. Story here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cameron warns Lib Dem votes could cause Saddam Hussein to come back from dead.

"It might happen!" warns Cameron.

Murdoch press reacts: The Sun leads with "Brave Dave Warns of Barmy Lib Dem/ Saddam Plot"; Sky News devotes four hours of coverage to whether David Cameron is "brave or very brave", while The Times goes with "Lib Dem Victory Could Lead to Saddam WMDs Targeting Weakened Britain".

Stephen Hawking sends Gordon Brown an accusatory picture of himself looking both disappointed and angry.

"What have you done, Gordon?" - "Brown's Britain" 2010.

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has had a special photographic portrait made of himself in which, looking directly into camera in an accusatory manner, his expression reveals both anger, bitterness and disappointment. The work, entitled "Brown's Britain" was delivered by courier to Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on Monday morning.

According to art critic Brian Sewell, the image is "utterly devastating; Hawking's expression captures both the disappointments and resentments that have been swelling in Brown's Britain for years. We deserved better, and Hawking isn't shy about letting Brown know the current feelings of the nation...truly magnificent!"

"I hope he gets the message," said Hawking in a statement released early Monday morning, adding "I think that my disapproving expression should give Prime Minister Brown some serious pause for thought as to where he is taking Britain." Number 10 has thus far declined to comment on the matter.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Republican senator who looks like a tortoise keeps trying to slow down reform legislation.

Senator Mitch McConnell (R) is trying to kill financial reform by slowing down the process - story here.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Brown to send top emissaries to grieving Poland.

UK PM Gordon Brown has revealed that he is sending former footballer Jimmy Greaves to Poland to "help the country's people with their terrible loss".

Also en route to Poland is former Monty Python star Michael Palin; his presenting duties in the documentary TV series Pole to Pole are believed to have motivated Brown to add him to the list of special emissaries heading to the region. "It's a symbol of solidarity," said Brown "Poland can now grieve with Greaves, while Michael Palin will underline the sense of pain felt from Pole to Pole.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Pope Must Die - a DVD release opportunity?

The Pope Must Die
is still not available on DVD. Could this be the perfect time to release it?

Sunday, March 28, 2010