Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
PICTURES: Thailand begins brutal crackdown of redshirts.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Cameron warns Lib Dem votes could cause Saddam Hussein to come back from dead.

Murdoch press reacts: The Sun leads with "Brave Dave Warns of Barmy Lib Dem/ Saddam Plot"; Sky News devotes four hours of coverage to whether David Cameron is "brave or very brave", while The Times goes with "Lib Dem Victory Could Lead to Saddam WMDs Targeting Weakened Britain".
Stephen Hawking sends Gordon Brown an accusatory picture of himself looking both disappointed and angry.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has had a special photographic portrait made of himself in which, looking directly into camera in an accusatory manner, his expression reveals both anger, bitterness and disappointment. The work, entitled "Brown's Britain" was delivered by courier to Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on Monday morning.
According to art critic Brian Sewell, the image is "utterly devastating; Hawking's expression captures both the disappointments and resentments that have been swelling in Brown's Britain for years. We deserved better, and Hawking isn't shy about letting Brown know the current feelings of the nation...truly magnificent!"
"I hope he gets the message," said Hawking in a statement released early Monday morning, adding "I think that my disapproving expression should give Prime Minister Brown some serious pause for thought as to where he is taking Britain." Number 10 has thus far declined to comment on the matter.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Republican senator who looks like a tortoise keeps trying to slow down reform legislation.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Brown to send top emissaries to grieving Poland.

UK PM Gordon Brown has revealed that he is sending former footballer Jimmy Greaves to Poland to "help the country's people with their terrible loss".

Also en route to Poland is former Monty Python star Michael Palin; his presenting duties in the documentary TV series Pole to Pole are believed to have motivated Brown to add him to the list of special emissaries heading to the region. "It's a symbol of solidarity," said Brown "Poland can now grieve with Greaves, while Michael Palin will underline the sense of pain felt from Pole to Pole.